The Heart of Your Metalworking Network

🤝 Submitting Procurements

Metalhub.ee is a dynamic online environment that connects providers of metalworking services with those in need of them. It is the perfect platform for both companies and individuals looking for quality metalworks, from sheet metal work to diverse coatings like powder or wet painting, hot or cold galvanizing, cutting and drilling services, and various welding works.

📝Meeting Place for Service Providers and Users

Metalhub.ee allows you to submit procurements easily and free of charge. On our platform, you can effortlessly post your procurement, whether it is big or small, and receive offers directly from specialists in your field. We do not ask for brokerage fees, thus ensuring the best possible deal for you.

🏭Highlighting Company Profiles

Our goal is to create an environment where companies can showcase their activities, sharing enhanced information, photos, and videos of their work and production processes on their profile. This enables you to display your skills and experience to potential clients.

🌍Scandinavian Marketing Opportunities

We aim to expand marketing opportunities, especially towards Scandinavian company networks, to promote the metal industry. This provides your company with an excellent opportunity to find new markets and clients.

📢Classifieds Section

Additionally, a classifieds section is created where you can sell equipment, stock leftovers, and look for components necessary for production. It is also possible to advertise your production capacity if you want to increase production volumes.

🔊Open Feedback and Continuous Development

MetalHub is a constantly evolving environment where we value your feedback and suggestions. We look forward to your thoughts and questions at info@metalhub.ee or call +372 5555 1707 to make our environment even better.

🤗Welcome to All Metal Industry Enthusiasts

You are welcome to join Metalhub.ee if you feel involved in the metal industry. Our environment is designed to connect people and create new opportunities for all metal industry enthusiasts.

Metalhub – Your online metalworking partner! 🛠🌟